Batch meters

The dosing of various products is one of the most basic processes of all manufacturing processes. For accurate and precise dosing, it is essential to use a fast response meter with sufficient precision and high repeatability.

According to these indices, it is possible to select dispensers with an induction flow meter, a vane wheel or oval wheel meters, taking advantage of the maximum advantages of the individual measurement principles. This meter can then be supplemented with the adjusting portion of the dose itself, even in an industrial version for glove handling, or a control valve for the shut-off valve so that the metered dose is as accurate as possible and provides a 100% result of the entire system.

Batch meter with inductive flow meters

Inductive flow meters operate on the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Thus, the velocity of the fluid flow, which represents the motion of the conductor, induces electrical voltage in the homogeneous magnetic field. In practice, this means that the medium measured in this way must have at least the minimum conductivity (the minimum required electrical conductivity required) to cause a voltage proportional to the flow on the meter’s electrodes.


Benefits and usage

Significant advantages are almost zero pressure drops, even very aggressive and heavily polluted liquids, high stability and metrological stability of measurement that is not affected by pressure, temperature, viscosity or solids content. As a result, these meters are also advantageous in dosing processes in a variety of operations (including food, pharmaceutical, agricultural or heavy industries). Single doses can be in a wide range of sizes and speeds with repeatability of 0.2%. It can also be a complex system with complete control adapted to the operating conditions in the gloves, including interference with the environment with its own active valve control.

Batch with paddlewheels flow meters

Measurement is still one of the most widely used instruments for measuring fluid velocity and velocity through the field of velocity and is intended for all (non-conductive) fluids. The blade is supplemented by an electronic contact imparting a bumper motion around the sensing member or at a set flow rate of the medium.


Benefits and usage

An advantage is pricelessness, balancing the lower accuracy of the meter, especially at low flow rates. The output is a pulse signal transmitted to the parent unit performing the actual dosing mechanism. This can be a BATCH unit ready for industrial use with direct valve control and simple single dose adjustment or a PLC or industrial computer with the appropriate program.

Batch flow meters with oval wheels

Measurement is carried out using two gears with involute teeth. By flowing the media the wheels are rotated and the fabric is carried along the walls. This allows four volumes to be transferred in one turn. On this principle, for example, counters on petrol pumps. Advantage is the simplicity of design, accuracy and a wide choice of materials for use on various media, including non-conductive chemicals, among other things, for example, in the petrochemical industry, or their possible dosing.


Benefits and usage

Highly precision mechanical gauges with oval wheels from the Australian manufacturer Macnaught are available in more than 60 countries worldwide and are used to measure clean fluids such as fuels, oils, spirits, alcohol, etc. in demanding technological processes in the industry. They are structurally suitable for heaters, but also for high-pressure systems. The meters are supplied with an output impulse signal, 4-20 mA current loop, mechanical register or electronic LCD. They are exceptionally low in maintenance and reliability, with the BATCH or other display unit of the manufacturer or customer PLC or the industrial computer with the appropriate program being used as the dosing unit.